OASIS staff and volunteers are here to help link you to services and programs relevant to your needs and goals. Find out who works here and what services they provide.
Jamie is the Oasis Coordinator, responsible for ensuring the centre and its programs support the mental health and wellbeing of all students. She is also a member of the Flinders University Wellbeing Working Group and supports the achievement of the University Wellbeing Plan actions and initiatives. Get in contact with Jamie via email jamie.scroop@flinders.edu.au
Magnolia is the Community Development Officer. She coordinates a range of events and activities for students, centred around wellbeing and community connection for both domestic and international students. Magnolia also supports the Oasis student Wellbeing Ambassadors. Get in contact with Magnolia via email magnolia.paulino@flinders.edu.au
Jacob is the Oasis Project Development Officer and is also completing a PhD here at Flinders. He coordinates the Flinders Community Market and Flinders Mates, supporting the student casual staff and volunteers who work across these programs. Jacob can be found on the reception desk at Oasis and works part-time. If you need to get in contact with him, either drop by for a chat or email jacob.blokland@flinders.edu.au
Chris is one of the counsellors at Flinders and a long-time member of the OASIS family. He provides individual counselling and also facilitates a number of programs at Oasis including Mindfulness and the ADHD 101 Support Group. Get in contact with Chris via email on chris.ogrady@flinders.edu.au
Dave is the Coordinating Chaplain of OASIS. He helps to oversee and promote our many expressions of faith, spirituality and religion. Get in touch with Dave (dave.williamson@flinders.edu.au) if you’d like to collaborate, or explore things related to faith, spirituality or religion.
Toh is a Chaplain at OASIS. Toh grew up in multicultural Malaysia and has been living in Australia for more than 30years after studying as an international student at the University of NSW. Toh is passionate about cross-cultural learning, student wellbeing and harmony in diversity. Get in touch with Toh on: toh.ng@flinders.edu.au
Gareth is the eMental Health Project Officer and helps maintain the OASIS website. When he is not writing the Student Health and Wellbeing blog, he is consulting with students and staff on online resources they can use to enhanced their health, mental health, and study capacity. Email him on gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au