Faith and spirituality play an important role in the wellbeing of many of us; from religious traditions, to specific practices, as well as our musings on motivation, meaning, relationships, ethics, values and life! At Oasis we aim to foster our religious and spiritual identities, as well as celebrate our diversity.

There are multiple ways to engage and connect spiritually at Oasis;
chaplains are available for confidential one on one support.

OASIS Chaplaincy

The Flinders University Coordinating Chaplain oversees the centre’s spiritual and religious life, offering a listening ear, or networking you in with other university services or outside faith groups.

Our Chaplain is welcoming of people all faiths as well as no specific faith. Our role is to support you in your faith and spiritual journey – not ours. All of the team are trained and accredited leaders within their faith traditions, and together we uphold a multi-faith approach. Chaplaincy offers a caring presence to all staff and students at the University; encouraging spirituality, offering hospitality and creating community. We do this by embracing our diversity, encouraging conversation and respecting our similarities and differences. Our role is to encourage a spiritual life within the University. Our key aim is to help you get the most out of your time at Flinders University.

Our Chaplain, as well as our multi-faith liaisons are available for one-on-one consultation for your questions and concerns in matters of faith, spirituality, values, ethics, relationships, and the self.  All encounters are confidential. Please contact the chaplaincy team via one of the Oasis team.

Many Flinders University faith and religious groups find a home at Oasis, as do programs promoting spiritual wellbeing. You can find out more about the Flinders religious and spiritual groups by visiting the FUSA Clubs page.

Central to the Oasis ethos is providing a place of welcome, inclusivity, and hospitality. It is our hope that Oasis is a place where we can share together what makes us human, both our differences and similarities, as well as our hopes for ourselves and the world.

Flinders University Chaplaincy Policy


Dave is the Coordinating Chaplain of Oasis and an ordained minister of the Uniting Church in Australia. Dave has been a chaplain with Oasis since 2014, with time spent previously at the University of South Australia and the University of Wollongong. He helps to oversee and promote our many expressions of faith, spirituality and religion as an important aspect of well-being. Dave runs weekly meditation based on mindfulness traditions on Wednesdays and Fridays. To get in touch with Dave email him – or pop in and see him on Wednesdays or Fridays.

Religious liaisons, mentors and leaders

Whilst they may not be on campus, our network of religious liaisons, mentors and leaders are more than happy to assist.

Salim Kalaniya (Muslim Liaison)

Mohammed Salim Kalaniya is an Oasis Muslim community contact. He works in the field of IT and has a keen interest in multifaith & interfaith dialogue, community development and support for international students. He is a Justice of the Peace for SA and his JP services are available weekly at the Hindmarsh Library. Being our Muslim Liaison he is willing to answer your queries related to Islam and Muslims. Contact Salim via email on:

Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky (Jewish Liaison)

Shoshana Kaminsky is the rabbi of Beit Shalom Progressive Synagogue in Hackney and also volunteers to support Jewish communities across Indonesia. While she is not on campus at Flinders, she is happy to be contacted by Jewish students and can also connect them with Jewish families in Adelaide for festival celebrations. She is available via email:

Abul Farooque (Muslim mentor)

Abul was born in Calcutta, India. He gained a Masters Degree in Islamic History and Culture from Calcutta University, before gaining a PhD in the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. Abul taught at Flinders University in the School of Education and Department of Asian Studies for 27 years. Abul was President of the South Australian Multi-faith Association and joined Oasis after his retirement. Abul served as the Muslim Chaplain with Oasis for many years, before taking a step back to offer himself as a mentor and liaison. Contact:


Meditation takes place weekly in our common room. Drawing on principles of mindfulness based meditation, these few moments help to focus, renew, and de-stress.

Prayer rooms and Friday prayer

The prayer rooms at Oasis are dedicated for Muslim prayer. We also provide information on prayer rooms in other parts of the university. Each Friday the community gathers in the Oasis common room for Friday Prayer.

Multifaith events

  • Flinders multifaith welcome ceremony
  • Memorials and vigils
  • Festivals and celebrations
  • Common table multifaith meal
  • Eid Celebration

Faith and Sexuality

Looking to explore faith and human sexuality in a safe context:

Christian: Unity and Friends –

Muslim: Imam Muhsin Hendricks – Via Skype:

Flinders Uni Culture and Faith-based Clubs

  • Evangelical Students
  • Muslim Association (FUMA)
  • Overseas Christian Fellowship
  • Come Unto Christ Student Association
  • Flinders Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association
  • Sacred Grove Society

Multifaith Network

Here’s some religious organizations and faith communities to connect with:

Multifaith SA:







