Midday Meditation for relaxation and stress relief is run twice a week by one of our Oasis Team.

They are run face-to-face at the Oasis Centre.

Meditation which is a guided process focused on breathing and based on mindfulness principles. No experience is necessary, our instructor will walk you through it.

Meditation can help provide a reset to calm the body and mind. The process helps to control the monkey mind that likes to race all over the place and cause havoc with our thoughts and emotions.

Participants have noted feeling calmer, have greater clarity of thought, concentration, and perspective, and increased feelings of success and wellbeing.


Meditation in 2024

There are two meditation sessions per week in 2024 – Wednesdays and Fridays at 12.00pm.

Sessions are held at the Oasis Centre – Downstairs of the Function Centre Opposite Car Park 5.

Sessions run for 30 minutes. Perfect way to centre yourself before a busy afternoon or after a busy morning.


About Gareth Furber

Need to get in contact with Gareth? You might want to ask a question about the blog, give him feedback, contribute an idea for the blog, or contribute a post.

You can by either commenting directly on the post of interest, contact him on Skype (search for 'eMental Health Project Officer Gareth'), or email him (gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au)