Update 28/1/20 – The guides have been updated for 2020 and are looking very flash! Now available in hard copy at Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Level 3, Student Centre, Bedford Park Campus Every now and then you come across […]
OASIS has two web presences. There is this website which we think of as our glossy online brochure. It covers who we are, what we do and how you can make OASIS a part of your life. It is the […]
When SSAF funding was announced for 2020, I was disappointed to see that Eating Well @ Flinders was not funded. Eating Well @ Flinders was led by dietitian Rebecca Greco and academic Carly Moores and was an initiative to “help promote and […]
Ok, I can hear your reaction. You are thinking ‘Gareth, why the hell would I sign myself up for more reading?! I am already doing a university degree‘. And that is a very good point. But hear me out. Reading […]