Chill & Connect with our Chaplains.

One of the key services offered at Oasis is chaplaincy. There are two practising chaplains that students can contact to discuss matters relating to spirituality, meaning, purpose and life in general.

Contact with Chaplains can be made by finding them at the Oasis Centre or by sending them an email. Learn more about the chaplains and find out how to contact them below.

People often think that ‘chaplaincy’ means they can only speak with chaplains about religious issues. But chaplaincy is much more than that. This great article from Maria (a previous Oasis chaplain) helps explain the focus of chaplaincy work –

This video from the chaplaincy team further discusses the service they offer:


Oasis Chaplains

Dave is the Coordinating Chaplain of Oasis and an ordained minister of the Uniting Church in Australia. Dave has been a chaplain with Oasis since 2014, with time spent previously at the University of South Australia and the University of Wollongong. He helps to oversee and promote our many expressions of faith, spirituality and religion as an important aspect of well-being. Dave runs weekly meditation sessions. To get in touch with Dave email him –

Toh is an Adelaide based pastor of Vineyard Churches Australia. Toh grew up in multicultural Malaysia and came to Australia as an international student to the University of NSW graduating with a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), and Bachelor of Optometry. He also has a Diploma of Theology and Cert 4 in Frontline Management. Toh has a cross- cultural marriage and has been living in Australia for more than 30 years. Toh is passionate about cross-cultural learning, student well-being and harmony in diversity. Toh runs one of the Take A Break sessions. You can get in contact with Toh on:

[Oasis is incredibly grateful for the work of Deborah Jeanes and Maria Ng (pictured in the team image below) who were previously part of our Chaplaincy team.]

About Gareth Furber

Need to get in contact with Gareth? You might want to ask a question about the blog, give him feedback, contribute an idea for the blog, or contribute a post.

You can by either commenting directly on the post of interest, contact him on Skype (search for 'eMental Health Project Officer Gareth'), or email him (