The English Language Support Program (ELSP) run by the Student Learning Centre provides free modules taught by experienced ESL lecturers to help students to develop their academic English while they’re at university. Past students have reported that they feel more confident to participate in class and that they are able to express themselves more clearly. Staff have also commented that they have seen clear improvements in the quality of their students’ work after attending ELSP modules.

Modules include: grammar, academic writing, listening and discussion, pronunciation, and reading academic texts. Each module consists of seven 2-hour workshops and weekly attendance is expected. Each class offers the opportunity to ask questions, discuss academic expectations in a non-threatening environment and to use English for academic purposes. No out-of-class work is required.

Registrations are open on Career Hub from Monday 25 February until Tuesday 12 March 2019. You can register for up to two modules per semester. Modules are repeated each semester. If you are someone who might benefit from additional academic English support, or you know someone, make sure you (they) enrol early as places fill up quickly.

International students who wish to practice their English skills in a more informal atmosphere are also encouraged to check out the Global Connections and Conversations groups that are run at OASIS.

About Gareth Furber

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