The Horizon Professional Development Award program is unique to Flinders University, and recognises the importance of developing professional skills alongside your academic studies. The program seeks to provide you with a ‘full range of experiences that will broaden your skills, expand your thinking, make you highly attractive to employers and set you up for success in your career.’

It works as follows:

  1. If you are a current Flinders Student, you can sign up to the Horizon Awards FLO site.
  2. On the FLO site, you can browse all the different programs that they are running or that they endorse across the university. This includes workshops, mentoring, leadership programs, online courses, volunteering, student club participation, college-specific programs, international experiences, membership of different associations, or personal projects.
  3. Completing these programs earns you points. The more points you earn, Horizon awards you certificates, which are industry recognised and can be included on your CV.

A number of the programs that we run here at Oasis attract Horizon Awards points.

Look for an icon like the one below next to the description of the program. This will tell you how many points you can get for participating in that program. For example doing the safeTALK program will attract 20 points.

The other way to earn Horizon Award points is by volunteering at Oasis. Contact our wellbeing events coordinator Chris to find out more –



About Gareth Furber

Need to get in contact with Gareth? You might want to ask a question about the blog, give him feedback, contribute an idea for the blog, or contribute a post.

You can by either commenting directly on the post of interest, contact him on Skype (search for 'eMental Health Project Officer Gareth'), or email him (