Back when the Student Health and Wellbeing Blog first started, I did a series on Preparing for Exams.

I took some time to revisit those posts today, knowing that exams are just around the corner (starting June 22nd).

It is a 5 part series

Part 1 – Dealing with exam anxiety

Part 2 – Evidence based study tips

Part 3 – Tame your brain

Part 4 – Embracing failure

Part 5 – Memory

I’m promoting it now, because a number of the recomendations I make in those posts require you to start early. For example, learning how to use relaxation strategies works better when you learn them in the lead-up to a stressful period of time. Study strategies like spaced repetition and self-testing work better when commenced in the weeks before exams.

So, apologies for potentially freaking you out and reminding you about exams, but the sooner you wrap your noggin around the reality, the better.

You might also find our Evidence Based Study and Exam Preparation Tips document useful. Packed full of recommendations.

I might even look at adding a couple of posts to the series. I am looking at an article right now about how your personality predicts your academic performance. This bodes well for me. When I was at university, all the girls used to say “but you have a nice personality!”. Gareth for the win!

About Gareth Furber

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