This was sent through to me by Zoe, the Sexual Violence Project Officer

Taken and adapted from –

Towards a Safe Place – Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence in LGBTIQA+ Communities

The Towards a Safe Place project has created resources for LGBTIQA+ communities to use both as individuals or in communities to support and inform at risk individuals of available services and supports in relation to Domestic Violence and to increase awareness and understanding of Domestic Violence and its impact within LGBTIQA+ communities.

They have worked closely with LGBTIQA+ communities to develop these resources and are thankful for the help and support of their Reference Group comprising individuals, community organisations and service providers who have helped us in the development of these resources.

They hope the resources are used to inform and support at risk individuals and the wider community on LGBTIQA+ specific Domestic Violence and that service providers use the resources to continually develop and improve service responses and avenues for reporting domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Contact List

A5 Booklet

A3 Poster

The project was supported by South Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, Bfriend (Uniting Communities) and Pride of the South.

About Gareth Furber

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