In a previous post we reported that all programs at Oasis are cancelled until further notice because of the COVID-19 situation.

For a community centre like Oasis, cancelling group programs is a challenge to the underlying philosophy of Oasis, but it is the right decision. In the case of COVID-19, caring for the community actually means putting things in place to slow/halt the spread of Coronavirus.

Cancelled programs doesn’t mean however that Oasis as a community can’t thrive.

We have a Facebook Page. It is a community of its own.

I’ll be on there a little bit more in the coming weeks, as we all come to the terms with the changes in our lives brought on by the Coronavirus.

I’ll be writing about my experiences and observations of how the world is changing and what we can all do to sustain our sanity in the process.

Of course that is all built on the assumption that I will stay sane 🙂

In the coming weeks, many of us will be turning to technology to sustain the important relationships in our lives – Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, Email, SMS, Mobile, Messenger, Social Media.

In the process, consider the occasional visit to Oasis and let us know how you’re doing.


About Gareth Furber

Need to get in contact with Gareth? You might want to ask a question about the blog, give him feedback, contribute an idea for the blog, or contribute a post.

You can by either commenting directly on the post of interest, contact him on Skype (search for 'eMental Health Project Officer Gareth'), or email him (