Chaplain Dave is now holding Meditation sessions twice a week.

‘Join Dave, one of our chaplains, for a simple guided meditation for relaxation, based on the principles of mindfulness.

When: Wednesdays and Fridays during term times from 1.00pm to 1.30 pm. No need to register, just turn up.

Where: OASIS Community Centre – Function Centre Opposite Car Park 5. OASIS is located downstairs in the building.

Horizon Award Points: 10 points for 5+ sessions – Dave can provide you with an attendance slip where you can record your attendance as evidence for gaining the Horizon Points.’

As someone who has taken up meditation in the last 6 months, I can attest to it being a unique experience.

In this day and age, when there is a constant underlying pressure to be ‘doing’ something all the time, there is something refreshing about taking time out of the day to simply notice and be present. It can sound silly, but I’ve experienced first-hand the power of being able to hit the reset switch on my attention/concentration.

Guided meditation can be a great way to get into the practice. I use an app. But having a live guide and meditating with others in the room is a method preferred by many.

About Gareth Furber

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