The fact you are reading about this on the Oasis website, means you probably know about the Oasis Community Centre. But here is a brief history if not. The Oasis Student Wellbeing Centre is a physical space/place on the Bedford Park Campus […]
The fact you are reading about this on the Oasis website, means you probably know about the Oasis Community Centre. But here is a brief history if not. The Oasis Student Wellbeing Centre is a physical space/place on the Bedford Park Campus […]
In collaboration with Curtin University, a group here at Flinders are exploring what impact COVID-19 has had on student’s access to food. They’re using a Qualtrics survey to ask a number of questions about your food access over the last […]
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic forced the closure of our doors at Oasis, we have been working on the development of a FLO topic called Oasis Online. This is an online space where we are recreating some of the services that […]