I just want to give readers of the Oasis website a heads-up on a cool project that will be taking shape in the second half of this year (2020). I attended an online meeting on Wednesday with some of the […]
I just want to give readers of the Oasis website a heads-up on a cool project that will be taking shape in the second half of this year (2020). I attended an online meeting on Wednesday with some of the […]
At the most recent meeting of the Oasis team, Chaplain Dave shared a poem called FEAR by Khalil Gibran. It was felt by the team to be a useful way of representing the foray into the unknown that faces us […]
Global Conversations is BACK ! Have you missed connecting with your Oasis friends? Next Tuesday 5th May at 2pm-3pm we will be back – but differently! Join Deb, one of the Oasis Chaplains, for an Online Global Conversation Catch-up. Stay […]
When Coronavirus hit and all the social distancing requirements got put in place, the Oasis Centre needed to close. This meant lots of our programs were no longer available as many of them were run at the centre. In response, […]
At this time of uncertainty, it’s really important social isolation doesn’t mean we lose social connection! So, while Oasis is closed we want you to know the Chaplaincy Team is still available to support you remotely. The contact details of the […]
In a previous post we reported that all programs at Oasis are cancelled until further notice because of the COVID-19 situation. For a community centre like Oasis, cancelling group programs is a challenge to the underlying philosophy of Oasis, but […]
This is a repost of an article I also put on the Student Health and Wellbeing Blog. I’ve been reflecting on loneliness recently and realised I hadn’t read any research on the topic for quite a while. To correct that […]
Chris O’Grady has been our leader here at OASIS for the last few months, while Ben has been seconded to another position. He’s been keeping track of what events and programs we have planned for the first semester and fired […]
A blog post by Chaplain Deborah Jeanes 🙂 In the heart of Flinders University is Oasis: a student Community Wellbeing Centre – a place of calm, peace and tranquillity. Have you heard about it? Students refer to Oasis as “a […]
Update 28/1/20 – The guides have been updated for 2020 and are looking very flash! Now available in hard copy at Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Level 3, Student Centre, Bedford Park Campus Every now and then you come across […]
OASIS has two web presences. There is this website which we think of as our glossy online brochure. It covers who we are, what we do and how you can make OASIS a part of your life. It is the […]
When SSAF funding was announced for 2020, I was disappointed to see that Eating Well @ Flinders was not funded. Eating Well @ Flinders was led by dietitian Rebecca Greco and academic Carly Moores and was an initiative to “help promote and […]
Ok, I can hear your reaction. You are thinking ‘Gareth, why the hell would I sign myself up for more reading?! I am already doing a university degree‘. And that is a very good point. But hear me out. Reading […]
On behalf of the team at OASIS, I just want to wish all students and staff of Flinders University a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. OASIS will be closed from 5pm Friday the 20.12.19 and will reopen on the morning […]
This was sent through to me by Zoe, the Sexual Violence Project Officer Taken and adapted from – http://www.catalystfoundation.com.au/our-services/lgbti/toward-safe-place-raising-awareness-domestic-violence-lgbtiq-communities/ Towards a Safe Place – Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence in LGBTIQA+ Communities The Towards a Safe Place project has created resources for LGBTIQA+ communities […]
Howdy all, Some news that is relevant for anyone that accesses Health, Counselling or Disability Services Some location changes for the Health, Counselling and Disability Service From Monday 25 November 2019 to mid-February 2020 some of our services will […]
Tension anyone? Come down to Oasis today for a free neck and shoulder massage by a qualified masseuse 🤗 Visit Oasis (J7 on the campus map) to put your name down early to reserve a spot, or try your luck and […]
I just finished listening to a Sam Harris podcast interview with William B Irvine – a professor from Wright State University. He’s written a few books on Stoicism – a philosophy of life that I think has influenced quite heavily some of […]
Over on the Student Health and Wellbeing Blog, I have updated the Preparing for Exams series. It is now a 6-part series looking into various aspects of becoming an exam master: managing exam stress and anxiety evidence based study tips […]
The 10th October is World Mental Health Day. It is the one day of the year to focus on your mental health and the world. The day is a reminder to all of us that mental health is a critical […]
The team at ISS (International Student Services) are putting on a study skills workshop for international students on the 1th October. Details below. The ‘expert’ from HCD that they are referring to is me. I’ll be talking all things stress […]
If you head to OASIS at the moment in the Common Room, you can see the exhibition ‘In The Frame’. See the details below.The exhibition originally showed at the Studio, behind Grind and Press.It is available to view for the […]
Chaplain Dave is now holding Meditation sessions twice a week. ‘Join Dave, one of our chaplains, for a simple guided meditation for relaxation, based on the principles of mindfulness. When: Wednesdays and Fridays during term times from 1.00pm to 1.30 […]
I like buying notebooks. The paper kind of notebook. The ones you can write or draw in (although I also enjoy a good laptop as well). Blank ones for drawing – Lined ones for writing – A fresh notebook is […]
Ben (one of the counsellors) who also starred in this cool student-created video prepared a brief case study for the Student Experience Team a while back about OASIS – the student community centre on the Bedford Park campus. I thought the case […]
Eating Well @ Flinders is a SSAF funded initiative to help promote and support healthier eating and good wellbeing for students at Flinders University. I think their goals strongly align with those of the Health, Counselling and Disability Service, hence […]
Mastering money is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing. However it is not necessarily something that we are taught to do as we grow up. If we’re lucky, our role models are financially literate and […]
We were very lucky recently to get to work with 4 very talented Flinders film students who put together this short film on anxiety. Starring our very own Ben, the video normalises the experience of anxiety in university students and […]
I think most of us divide our emotional experience roughly into two categories. The first category is feelings/emotions/moods that we want to have such as happiness, excitement, joy, curiousity, love. The second category is feelings/emotions/moods that we don’t really want to have such as […]
Ali (OASIS Events Coordinator) sent me a neat visual summary of all the activity that happened during Mental Health Week @ Flinders. I’ve included it below. This was one of the first events I’ve been involved with where we managed […]